Do your customers know how well you did?

by Shannon F.

“So can we agree on the fact that I’m awesome?”

You hate to pat yourself on the back, but you went above and beyond on the last project you completed. Self-congratulations only goes so far, anyway. You want your clients to acknowledge that you provided excellent service. Here’s why they won’t:

-Your client doesn’t always understand the nuts and bolts of the project, so they may think your job is simpler than it is.

-You didn’t want your client to worry, so you didn’t tell them about the complications/roadblocks you encountered and conquered.

-Your client doesn’t think they necessarily need to shower you with praise, since they paid you fairly for the job.

But here’s why it is important to get your customer to acknowledge how great you are:

-You’ll want to build a relationship with them in the event that they need your services again 5 or ten years down the road. Therefore, leaving them completely satisfied (and with a positive impression of you) is in your best interest.

-Happy customers can provide testimonials and references that will help you build your image.

-Happy customers don’t mind referring you or introducing you to others in their network, helping you grow your business by leaps and bounds.

Here’s what you have to do to extract compliments from unwilling customers:

-Let your customer know when you went the extra mile. You don’t have to brag about your greatness, but don’t downplay the lengths you took to get the job done. The client won’t appreciate all the little details and extra touches unless you make them aware.

-Ask, “How did I do? Were you happy with my work?” If the customer was not happy, find out immediately what you can do to change that.

-Ask the customer to take a post-job survey. Follow up on this to resolve any concerns.

-After doing a little probing to find out if your client was satisfied (see the points above), ask them if they would be willing to write you a recommendation or refer you to another organization that may need your services. It’s a two-way street, so be open to introducing the client to members of your professional network as well.

Keep in mind that you want a customer for a lifetime, not just one job. That means continuing to engage with them after the job is over, network, and enjoy an ongoing, mutually-beneficial relationship.

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